Monday 1 June 2009

The sun strikes again

So, the sun is here, people are flocking to the beaches, the air smells of BBQ's and everybody is generally in a happier mood. Not for me.

Oh no, i have locked myself away, occasionally peering through the windows to see if the word is still bright outside.

This is because yesterday, walking around a car boot sale, trying to find more junk to add to my own ever growing collection of junk, I was fried by the sun. One hour of wandering around a field caused my skin to turn a beautiful shade of red.

And it is sooooooo painful! Everytime I move, pain shoots through my left shoulder or across my back (where there is a very beautiful white cross now, from the straps of my dress). It is my own fault really for not wearing any sun cream, but I wasn't aware that my skin was one shade up from albino!

So while the rest of you enjoy the heat, remember me hiding away in my little house waiting for the rain to return.

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