Wednesday, 11 March 2009

I'm a little bit lost

For the last couple of days i've felt like everything to do with uni is swimming around me while I just sit in the middle and watch it quite content.

However, today I had a loooooong coffee with my friends and a chat about the direction all our lives are taking. the thing that I have realised is that I really don't know where mine is going, and for the first time in 5 years this actually makes me a bit sad.

The thing that I have realised is that the complete disappointment I feel about my course has made me wonder if journalism is really what I want to do. Was it ever something I wanted to do? Travel Journalism is laid dead in the water as the course does not help to lead me down this path, and I am not learning the skills that I need to persue such a career. So as far as I am concerned, that is one less option for me.

Like I said before, I love to customise my clothes, make little brooches or clips and just make little things. That is something I am really passionate about, but I don't think that I would like to do it as a job because I love it so much and I don't want to get bored with it. I'd like to do it as a little side project.

I think that there is so much going on with the course, and it's all that I do, go to uni, come home do my work, go to sleep and start again. I'M BORED. But I don't know what other options I have at the moment. I don't want to give up on this, start something new and in 18 months think oh, i don't like this either.

I am counting down the weeks until uni finishes for 5 months and I can sit at home making lots of things to sell on the internet and build my fashion empire :-). Surely that can't be a good thing? Or maybe I'm just looking forward to the break...? Aarrgghh I really don't have a clue.

The best way for me to describe it is, you know when you want to get fit, you go to the gym, work out and tada, you're better. I feel like I need some sort of career gym, to get fit, exercise my brain and feel better!

What can I do? Does anybody have any ideas?

1 comment:

  1. I know just how you feel! Well, I'm not making little shiny things, but other than that....
