Monday, 16 March 2009

It just gets better!

So after many ups and downs on this course, today I had some fabulous news. Oh yes people, I am wasting my time with this stupid degree. Just two months away from finishing my second year, I was told that in order to get a job (on a local paper at least) I would have to do a post grad degree in journalism! Oh yes kids thats right, my travel journalism degree is effectively useless!

Can anybody explain to me what the hell I am doing this degree for? Why is it that by the end of the three years I will have a debt of at least £21,000 and, well a mickey mouse degree to show for it!

Everybody at uni is fed up at the minute, but other than my being completely disheartened now, i'm sure we'll all be fine. We all need a good ol' night out!!

Bring on the party!

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