Thursday, 12 February 2009

And so the bubble bursts....

First of all, I apologise to anybody who ever stumbles across this blog on a lazy day of mooching about the internet. I am not intending to put a downer on your day, more to pep mine up. Selfish maybe, but that would be me :-)

So, when you are little and you really want to do something, but your mum wont let you, she is met with cries of "that's not fair!" to which she always responded, "life isn't." I never realised that this was one of life's little lessons, and not just her way of saying no.

At the moment, I just feel like I can never be 100% happy, ya know, you get something sorted in one part of your life, be it professional, relationship, or just what to have for dinner, and then the good ol' balance of life says, "oh no, not today, it can't all be right for you missy!"

It's hard work eh! Now my ideas of a problem are extremely superficial and not at all anything the world needs to worry about, but i just think....aaaarrrggghhhh!!

So, you know when the snow falls and your whole world is beautiful. Sparkling under that blanket of pure white fluffiness, then the snow melts away to that horrible ugly slush, and all the problems that were there before are still there, thats how I feel. It's always 1 step forward, 2 giant steps back!

Like this morning, I was laying in my bed, in the little love shack i share with my hublet, all was good in the world, I was warm and happy. Now, 12hrs later, I feel like absolute shite, not warm or fluffy or even happy. Not in the slightest. My little worlds balance has said "Today, you may have nothing that you want. Try again tomorrow."

Bloody hell, this is a bit of a downer aint it? Sorry. But fear not, I know that somehow, something will go right tomorrow, I will wake up, feel warm and happy and go from there. Fingers crossed...

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